Archive for the category ‘Social Media Trends’
Your One Stop Guide to LinkedIn Showcase Pages

We are all well aware that LinkedIn has been known as a professional hub for individuals and businesses to demonstrate their talent to others. However, some have felt that its previous “one-size-fits-all” appearance was a bit challenging from a marketing standpoint. All in all, a single page was difficult to address a number of different buyer profiles. LinkedIn has addressed this problem by creating what are known as Showcase pages. A LinkedIn Showcase will enable a user to present their contacts with unique pages that are of specific
6 Reasons your Business Should be Using Google Hangouts
Regardless of the size or industry of your business, hosting Google Hangouts can help to improve the appearance and awareness of your brand.
Hosting regular hangouts can encourage your site visitors to keep returning. Set up a weekly, or fortnightly hangout, and as you attract new visitors. You will see an increasing number of them return for your next video chat installment.
Hangouts also encourage engagement from your visitors. Participants and viewers will want to comment on the content, as well as get involved in any discussion that it creates.
What Twitter’s New Layout Means For Your Business

Twitter has always been a great way for brands to communicate with customers. Twitter’s new layout comes with some interesting changes that can improve your user experience.
The header picture gives you more space to display company logos and graphics which will help attract the eyes of potential customers. There is also a ‘pin’ function which allows you to highlight a particular tweet to keep it at the top of your page; this way, important information won’t get buried underneath other, less substantial tweets. Images and videos are more
The Power of Infographics

Infographics are all the rage at the moment. A quirky, easily digestible format featuring image based information attract attention and thus, leads to more people sharing content. With the increasing success comes increasing numbers of infographics all over the internet. In fact, the number of them on the web is increasing by at least 1% everyday! Why would you not take complete advantage of this trent whilst it’s still going strong? Here are our top 3 reasons why you should already be designing your first infographic.
1. Information is easily taken in
Attention spans
Nomakeupselfie – Meme of the Month
If you have a Facebook account chances are you’ve seen the powerful Nomakeupselfie trend circulate. At this very moment in time (25th March), the viral campaign has only been running for 6 days but has already managed to raise over £8 MILLION for Cancer research.
All of this money from a very simple premise. Women post pictures of themselves with no make up on, to both raise awareness of breast cancer, and to pledge £3 to Cancer Research. Included in their posts are nominations for selected friends to do
Sochi 2014 – The Olympics as Seen Through Social Media
As you can imagine, like any other massive Worldwide event, social media has most definitely been impacted by the Sochi 2014 winter Olympics and vice versa. Updates from teams and supporters alike have been looked upon and shared thousands of times over.
Many shared updates have been what you may expect; live updates to keep viewers in the loop, the nervous musings of an athlete before a big event, the reassuring and hopeful updates of their supporters, and jokes about athletes with unfortunate names. Sochi however, has also seen its
Facebook Trending Topics Feed
Yes, that’s right, Facebook is now sporting a trending topics feature, which is pretty much exactly the same as Twitter’s. Oh no wait, we’re forgetting something – it appears in the top right-hand corner rather than the bottom left-hand corner of the screen.
Completely different.

Google Introduces Plus Post Ads

Currently in testing, the new plus post ads (+post) product from Google will allow brands to feature their Google+ content across websites, using the Display Advertising Network.
Toyota and Cadbury are just two of the brands using the platform in beta mode and when the platform is rolled out, only brands with a Google AdWords account will have access. Content posted to Google+ pages, including videos and images, can be converted into +post ads which will show to visitors of other websites and open as a lightbox when clicked.
Let me Tell you a Story – The Trend of Social Media Storytelling
Once upon a time social media was an undervalued, underused platform for business. Its desolate marketing landscape would stretch into the horizon, upon which a sun made up of large and small brands, marketing strategies and smart social media management shone onto the land. The sun is here to stay, shining its rays on the ever changing social media landscape, but when a landscape continues to change so quickly, so does its trends. A current popular trend, if you’d not
Twitter Advertising the Next Big Platform for Small Businesses?
In their first major marketing initiative after going public with their IPO, Twitter have opened up ad space to small and medium enterprises outside the US. So, this has got us digital marketers thinking – could this be the next big advertising platform and do we need to get on the bandwagon early?
Before this move, only large corporations with a good working relationship with Twitter had the opportunity to promote their posts. Now ad space is open to be bought by businesses from the UK, Ireland and