Pinterest is a pinboard developed photo sharing website. Holds approximately 11.7 million users it allows them to create and manage pinbaords relating to specific themes. Users interact by sharing also known as ‘repinning’ images to their followers to share with them what you have posted.
Pinterest can be very beneficial when done correctly. The images allow you create a direct link to your website. So with just one click from a follower who is interested in your image and they will be linked directly to your site.
In addition Pinterest allows you to engage using images as a means of communication and sharing. This method in which to share is fast growing as it is a simplified way of getting your message across.
Panacea Social Media customisation of your Pinterest account will include:
- Company Logo
- 4 Pinterest Pinboards – different themes for each
- Business Information – website link, about us
- Regular image updates on al 4 pinboards
We manage the updates, analysis, monitoring and implementation of all the Pinterest activity so you don’t have to worry. We will then measure on a monthly basis the amount of followers the company or business has gained, and the amount of repinning the images have received.